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Table of Contents & Outline for "Engineering Your Future: A Project-Based Introduction to Engineering" for High School:
- 1. What Is Engineering? (Job Classifications)
- The Engineer and the Scientist
- The Engineer and the Engineering Technologist
- What Do Engineers Do? (Engineering Job Classifications)
- 2. Developmental Timeline for Engineering
- Definition of Engineering
- Prehistoric Culture
- Engineering’s Beginnings
- Timeline of Engineering History
- 3. The History of the Early Engineering Disciplines
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- 4. Profiles of Historical Engineers
- Nolan Bushnell
- Thomas Edison
- Leonardo daVinci
- Idsambard Brunel
- Charles Steinmetz
- Henry Ford
- Robert Goddard
- Wilbur & Orville Wright
- Grace Murray Hopper
- Joseph Strauss
- Leo Szilard
- 5. The Engineering Disciplines
- The Disciplines
- Salary Information
- The Engineering Technical Societies
- 6. Profiles of Engineers and Engineering Students
- Profiles of NASA Engineers
- Profiles of Practicing Engineers
- Profiles of Engineering Students
- 7. Technical Communication
- Oral Communication Skills
- Written Communication Skills
- Formats of Written Communication
- 8. Succeeding in the Classroom
- Keys to Effectiveness
- Well-rounded Approach
- Time Management
- 9. What Do Employers Look For?
- Working with Others
- Experience
- Meyers Briggs Personality Types
- 10. Systems and Optimization
- Systems
- Processes
- Optimization
- 11. Materials
- History of Use
- New Materials
- Classifying Materials
- Periodic Table & Properties
- Properties of Materials
- 12. Technology, Society, and Ethics
- General Ethics
- Engineering Ethics
- Engineer’s Obligation to Society, Employer, Clients
- Legal Issues
- 13. Concurrent Engineering and Teamwork
- Why the Focus?
- Project Management
- What Makes a Successful Team?
- Leadership Structures and Attributes
- 14. Problem Solving
- Analytic Problem Solving
- Estimation
- Creative Problem Solving
- Problem Solving Styles
- Brainstorming
- Critical Thinking
- 15. Design and Modeling
- The Design Process
- Design Stages
- Design Stage Case Study
- 16. An Interview with a Practicing Engineer
- 17. Computer Tools
- The Internet
- Spreadsheets
- Mathematics Software
- Presentation Software (PowerPoint)
- Operating Systems and Programming Languages
- 18. Engineering Fundamentals and Resources
- Physical Principles
- Mechanisms and Simple Machines
- Kinematics Basics
- Planar Linkages
- Cams
- Gears
- Other Mechanisms (Ratchets, Clutches, U-Joints, etc.)
- Momentum, Work, Energy, and Dynamics
- Fluid Mechanics, and Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems
- Thermodynamics
- Electrical Circuits
- Engineering Economics
- 19. Engineering Work Experience
- Summer Jobs and Part-Time Employment
- Volunteer and Community Service
- Internships
- Co-op Programs