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Table of Contents & Outline for “Welcome to the Professional World: Seven Success Principles for Entering the Workforce”:
- Principle #1: Get Your Financial Matters in Order
- Budgets
- Taxation
- Housing & Relocation
- Conclusion
- Principle #2: Work Hard and Smart
- Appearance and Presentation
- Attitude
- Responsibility
- Advancement
- Personal and Personnel
- A Positive Attitude
- Three Common Human Relations Mistakes
- General Coping Suggestions
- Principle #3: Increase Your Cultural Sensitivity
- Related Definitions
- Colorblind / Cultureblind
- Racism, Sexism, and Other “Isms”
- Conclusion
- Principle #4: Exercise Discretion
- Differences Between School and Work
- Ethics
- Office “Politics”
- More Ideas on Discretion
- Principle #5: Practice Good Communication Skills
- The Single Most Important Skill
- The Power of Words
- Crack the Dictionary and Proof-Read Your Work
- An Incentive for Learning a Second Language
- General Communication Mistakes
- Business World Jargon and Expressions
- Principle #6: Make Good Use of Your Time
- Time Wasters and Time Savers
- Time Management: A Collection of Individual Responses
- Time Magazine Special Report Summary
- Balance Your Professional and Personal Goals
- Intellectual Ideas for Your Spare Time
- Time Management Self-Analysis (10-Minute)
- Weekly Time Management Matrix
- Principle #7: Be Careful With Your Romances
- Preface
- Romance Issues in General
- Romance Issues in the Workplace
- Long-Distance Relationships
- Appendix A: Basic IRS Taxation Definitions and Model
- Appendix B: Dining Etiquette
- Appendix D: Business-World Jargon and Expressions
- Appendix E: Internships and Cooperative Education