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NEW 3rd EDITION Completely reformatted with larger type, better photos, and more white space. Updated content, data, and statistics throughout. First several chapters re-ordered for more logical content sequencing.
A hands-on, project- and activity-based introduction to engineering. Hardcover version for high schools. Also available as a web-based book. Designed to cover national standards for math, science, technology, and ASEE standards. Click here for National STEM Standards correlation document.
This resource can play an essential role in improving STEM literacy, as the fields of engineering and technology offer opportunities for real-life application of math and science concepts. It introduces the broad spectrum of engineering and provides students the opportunity to explore and acquire the core skills and values of engineering, which will aid in classroom and career.
3rd Edition
Authors: Gomez, Oakes, Leone
Hardcover, 794 pgs, color photos throughout
ISBN: 978-1-881018-87-2
Also available as a Web-based E-book (pricing below)
- Unit Price: $109.95
- Classroom set of 24 textbooks + Instructor’s Curriculum binder: $2,795
- Web-based E-book with 24-student access + Instructor’s Curriculum binder: $1,995. (Annual subscription renewal in subsequent years, which includes free updates: currently $295.)
3rd Edition Features:
- Updated content, data, and statistics
- Reformatted with larger type and more white space
- Additional photos and new graphical elements
- Re-ordering of chapters for more logical sequencing
- 4-color pages and photos
- Updated case studies
About This Book:
This resource can play an essential role in improving STEM literacy, as the fields of engineering and technology offer opportunities for real-life application of math and science concepts. This STEM-oriented text has been designed to meet standards for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Few students have any real notion of what engineering truly is. Engineering, in one form or another, touches most every aspect of our lives. Engineers work in countless ways to make our lives better, safer, cleaner, more productive, less taxing, more convenient, less volatile, and more enjoyable.
Engineering Your Future introduces the broad spectrum of engineering and provides students the opportunity to explore and acquire the core skills and values of engineering, which will aid in classroom and career. The authors colorfully depict the impressive diversity of engineering, which is far more extensive than students new to engineering are likely to imagine. The "real world" profiles of working engineers are especially helpful in this regard.
The unique and extensive incorporation of hands-on projects and collaborative learning differentiate it from other available text resources. The projects and examples are developed at a level appropriate for high school students' skills and background, with options to challenge advanced students.
The text is written in a friendly, interesting, easy-to-read style, without being cute or condescending — something students greatly appreciate.
Thought-provoking homework assignments and engaging hands-on projects are presented with each chapter, and an Instructor's Curriculum Guide also is available.
Instructor’s Curriculum Guide binder:
PowerPoint slides, sample tests and quizzes, grading rubrics, teacher project preparation, more-- material in printed form in 3-ring binder; also on CD for easy modification of all materials. Instructor's Guide not sold separately. Available only with textbook purchase. $195.00
View Sample from Instructor's Guide
ISBN 978-1-881018-36-0 (1-881018-36-9)
Authors: (Review detailed Author Profiles)
Dr. Alan G. Gomez
Dr. William C. Oakes, Associate Professor, Freshman Engineering, Purdue University.
Dr. Les L. Leone, Director of Cooperative Engineering Education, Michigan State University.