"Choosing the right college is a critical decision. This guide helps students get it right. Since college is such a significant investment, I recommend that you also make the relatively modest investment in this guide."
--Dr. Alan Gomez

Choosing the Right Engineering School
A Friendly Guide for Students and Their Families
Authors: Dr. Don Woolston & Dr. Suzannah Sandrik
Price: $29.95
Shipping & Handling: $4.95
(Books begin shipping June 17, 2011. Ships US Postal. Allow 1 week for delivery.)
175 pages
8.5" x 11"
Copyright © 2011

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About This Book
Choosing where to attend college is a pretty significant life decision. The purpose of this book is to help students find the engineering school that is the best fit for them, and to turn campus visits into enjoyable, productive, effective experiences.
Many families expend a considerable amount of effort, time, and expense visiting college campuses and obtaining and analyzing information—and not all of that effort is well spent.
The book includes unique profiles of dozens of engineering programs that you might want to add to your list of possible choices.
Author info:
Dr. Don Woolston is Assistant Dean Emeritus with the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Don has decades of experience working with first-year engineering students, as an instructor, adviser, and academic dean. He has met with literally thousands of prospective students and their parents over the years. He is nationally known in higher education’s academic advising world, having served on the Board of Directors of the National Academic Advising Association and having founded the Engineering and Science Advising Commission.
Dr. Suzannah Sandrik is Faculty Associate with the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Dr. Sandrik has undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate degrees in engineering and has devoted her career to advising and teaching engineering undergraduates.
Published by:
Next Way Publishing, in conjunction with Great Lakes Press, Inc. (St. Louis, MO)